Monday, August 29, 2005

The comings and goings of Apprentice Quaid

Well, this chronicle has pretty much blown over at work. It all happened about five weeks ago. I have been planning a post about this since the incident, but have just been so busy. Anyway, here goes: Apprentice Quaid was offered a job outside Maccas for $450 per week by his "father" installing fire suppression systems (sprinklers etc.) When everyone heard the news morale went so fucking high. Even our oldest, longest-working worker (who is known for being rather grumpy) was overjoyed. On his last shift after he left it was so bizarre, the thought that you will never have to work with this moron was right there in the front of your mind at all times. You were happy to be working. Moron was gone! Hail the chief! Whatever! The next week was like working in the Maccas in heaven! Everyone was so happy! And then her came back. Saying that his job had "fallen through" and that his Dad's sprinkler company had gone broke (and you wonder why - hiring idiots who add 2 and 2 and get 60 doesn't help) and that he was coming back to maccas. Now who in their right mind would hire this unwashed miscreant? Our store owner. That's who. Against the wishes of every person in the store, he rehired this loser and forced us to all work with him. God that man annoys me sometimes. And as for our oldest-working worker; I wouldn't have wanted to be there when they told this giant who was coming back.

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