Monday, May 30, 2005

Quaid and the fake fifty. [1]

The location of my workplace is a bit "liberal". Drugs and alchohol flow freely and prostitutes and other types are commonly seen. Its the red light district of Melbourne. So we get our fair share of weirdos. One such drug addict decicides to come in and order some kind of food (use your imagination) and decides to pay using counterfeit money. A fake $50 note. (I'll post a picture another time). It was reasonably fake looking (I could tell the difference from behind the production bin) and as the server was a newish hire I reminded them to always say "Check 50 or 100" when recieving those notes. They remembered and did their job and Quaid 1 came out from the managers office to take a look. Something was wrong - when he picked it up he felt it, then felt it again. The texture of the note was different to a real $50 note. He examined it under the lights. He ran his hands over it. He was really closely checking it. He tried to rip the corners (and succeded) and he was clearly suspicious. All in all he examined the note for about 3 minutes and then gave the junkie his change all $45 of real money in exchange for his worthless copy - and this guy had the nerve to order a grill. Anyway — here is the real kicker. After this customer left Quaid "remembers" that the note was fake. I say "remembers" but who really knows what goes on inside his head? Anyway he says that it was actually Jon who checked the fifty. Lucky that the video camera catches everyones movements. This lie was of course reported to Long and who knows what happened after that.

Tales of Quaid

Welcome to a blog about the stupid things that you hate about work, about the people in charge who shouldn't be. About the blind stupidity displayed by a certain two managers at McDonalds. Hi, my name is Silas - and these are the Tales of Quaid.