Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Drive-thru incident...

Tonight I had the pleasure of doing drive-thru with Mr. Quaid... Recently I discovered that there is a little switch in the headset controller box that activates the loop detector with no car present at the speaker. When other people are doing headset I often flip the switch to confuse the hell out of the person because no matter what happens when the loop detector activates it transmits the "Ding" to all the headsets which tells the order-taker to do their job. Activating the switch can give the order taker "phantom" cars. I did this to Quaid twice tonight... to get him a little confused... Then when a car did rock up and I was standing next to the switch he assumed that he didn't need to take the order... he thought it was a phantom. I promptly told him... "Quaid, take the order, there's actually a car at the box." To which he says "Come on, I'm not falling for that one..." I tell him again... He holds down A and transmits the following to the orderbox, not knowing that there's actually a car there: "Whoever it is out there: FUCK OFF!" The customer hearing this immediatly inquired to what the hell he had just said. To which he fell on the floor laughing... That problem took a lot of explaining to get rid of...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Quaid Update

Its been a while since my last post here. Well a lot has changed at work. I have had to reduce my workload down to just one shift per week. I have also started working out the front, as opposed to working out the back. I used to always work in the kitchen, and now 90% of the time I am working in Drive-thru. So whats changed? Luke Finco left, and didn't come back. This is the ultimate blessing for us. Andy especially likes not having him around. I really felt sorry for Andy having to deal with that cunt all the time. Oh well... so much was wrong with that kid, that I really don't know where to start. We still get to deal with Luke Sands, although I have come to the conclusion that I don't really dislike him, and he's not particularly stupid. I guess I was just going thru a rough patch for a while and didn't really know what I thought of him. He's really not that bad. The store manager and the store owner had a huge fight. I didn't see them fighting but I think that it would have been quite exciting to see. All I knew was that I was starting at 3, and when I arrived at the store a bunch of Managers were standing in the carpark talking. Having worked there for long enough now, I am privy to more information than your average worker. I knew what had happened in the three-weeks that the store manager had taken stress leave, while the rest of the crew were speculating about what happened and whether he was ever going to come back. There were even rumors that the store-manager had quit because "He had joined a drug ring". I've said it before and I'll say it again. Rumors are fucking stupid. Roxy quit. She is now working at Blockbuster in Albert Park. Anyway, we are quickly approaching the first anniversary of the Quaid Chronicles, so I hope that you'll all stick around for the mad party that we'll be hosting. See you there.